Trees! Car! Health! Oh my!

Stuff continues to happen!


I saw my (latest) new doctor yesterday and she’s really good. She actually listened to my concerns and let me take all the time I needed to talk about them, and she actually understands shit about trans healthcare and fibromyalgia and the various vertigo disorders and so on and, yeah, really good. I hope she’s here for the long haul because I am so tired of having to switch doctors every time one burns out and disappears.

My insurance, on the other hand, is being a butt. The copay for an ointment my doctor wanted me to try for an issue would have been $100. And they’re also requiring an additional appointment to justify the continuation of my estradiol for some reason. I’m sure the new doctor will be able to take care of that pretty quickly at least. Fortunately I have a stockpile to tide me through for a little while in the worst case.


My Niro is in the shop for at least a few days, getting the “Wheel of Fortune” issue taken care of. Hopefully they can repair it quickly and it won’t cost a lot. At the very least I have an extended warranty which will cover most of it if Kia has decided it’s not under the standard warranty, although it should be.

I opted to not get a loaner car for now (Kia never offered one and CarMax’s loaner policy is super restrictive), although depending on how long the Niro’s out of service I might end up having to get one. I’ll know more tonight or tomorrow. Meanwhile I’ll just need to see about bumming rids off people or taking Lyft places or whatever.


Today I got a bunch of plants delivered. Fortunately I knew this was coming, and remembered to buy a bunch of soil a few days ago in preparation, not even thinking about how I was going to be without a car for a while.

I have now planted:

Okay, only one of those is actually a tree. But still, hopefully those’ll add some nice texture to my yard.

Of course I really want to do some of the pathway and stair building but without a car I have no way of getting the materials with which to do so.

Anyway, now I need a nap, especially since the planting came right after an hour-long walk that I took after getting home from the mechanic. I feel like I’ve earned it.


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