xmousekeys Code


This is a simple program for moving the mouse cursor around from a script. Useful as something to bind to a key event in window managers which allow such a thing but don’t have built-in keyboard-mouse functionality (such as pwm).


Monitor calibration General Articles


How to calibrate your monitor to the sRGB color space (more or less) without any special tools.

Note: This article was written way back in 2003, and things have changed quite a lot. The calibration charts are still useful for roughly calibrating TVs and projectors and the like, but there are better approaches to monitor calibration these days, and most decent monitors come pre-calibrated from the factory.

Also, these images only work correctly if they are displayed at a 1:1 pixel scale. Many combinations of newer monitors/operating systems/etc. — notably “high-DPI” or “Retina” displays — end up resampling images to display at a different pixel scale. This is fine for displaying most images, but these images will not work correctly when resampled. If you want to use these images for calibrating a display, please make sure they are displayed at 100% scale and that your monitor is set to a 1:1 pixel scale!

Nowadays my preferred method for calibrating a monitor is with a ColorMunki Smile (affiliate link). For a software-only approach on macOS you can try SuperCal, which is much more comprehensive than the built-in display calibrator.

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Hypnagogia Short stories


Herein lies a novel I did for NaNoWriMo back in Ye Olden Days.

It’s, um, about as good as one might expect for a novel written in a month, by a stressed computer science grad student who was still fighting off Big Gender Feels.

Content warning: This contains some pretty weird attempts at erotica, quite a lot of body horror, and some terminology that hasn’t aged particularly well. Also, angst. So much angst.

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fluffy porcupine - pointed little quill Music


Oh god this album is old and terrible but I still have a soft spot for it.

It’s a collection of songs I made over the course of several years in the late 90s and which I finally released sometime in 2000 (although the exact date is lost to the sands of time). I did everything in Impulse Tracker, and many of the samples were made by interpreting non-sound files as raw PCM data and trimming out interesting-sounding parts of it. Some of the songs were also built from corrupted mod files in my collection. So, it’s arguably an early example of what is now known as “glitch art.”

I only really present it here as a historical artifact. I still listen to it from time to time though, mostly to remind myself of how far I’ve come.

or download it directly from me

A Certain Chemistry Bad Poetry


Dipole-dipole bonding tight
From more charge on left than right
How your bonding strength is high
Due to charge asymmetry

With apologies to William Blake